The International Commission on Health Care Certification® (ICHCC®) oversees the examination of health care providers and professionals in the specialty rehabilitative areas of life care planning, Medicare Set-aside allocation development, geriatric care management, and medical cost projection. The ongoing actions of the ICHCC® in support of this mission include:

  • Developing, reviewing, and researching standards for life care planning, Medicare Set-aside allocation, geriatric care management, and medical cost projection service delivery systems for postgraduate training in these respective areas
  • Developing, reviewing, and researching standards of practice for life care planning, Medicare Set-aside allocation, geriatric care management, and medical cost projection.
  • Developing and administering examinations that assess the knowledge and skills that comprise the essential functions required of life care planners, Medicare Set-aside allocators, geriatric care managers, and medical cost projection service delivery systems

About ICHCC®


1. ICHCC® has established the Impartiality Management Policy and Procedure to provide its personnel with good behavioral practices to ensure the impartiality of its certification activities.
2. ICHCC®has established the Organization Chart to ensure that no interest is predominating with regard to impartiality.
3. ICHCC® is committed to acting impartially in relation to its applicants, candidates, and certified persons.
4. ICHCC® has established the policies and procedures for the certification of persons in a way to ensure fairness among all applicants, candidates, and certified persons.
5. ICHCC® is committed to identifying threats to its impartiality on an ongoing basis including but limited to threats that arise from its activities, from its related bodies, from its relationships, or from the relationships of its personnel.
6. ICHCC® is committed to analyzing, documenting, and eliminating or minimizing potential conflicts of interest arising from its certification activities.
7. ICHCC® ensures the impartiality of its certification activities on a continuous basis by assessing threats and conflicts of interest (potential or actual).


Use of Certificate, Logo and Marks Policy

1. ICHCC® has established this Policy and Procedure which provides the conditions for the appropriate use and representation of its certificate, marks, and logos. 

2. ICHCC® certificants shall ensure conformance to the following conditions when it comes to the certificates, marks, and logo: 

**Present ICHCC® certificates, marks, and logos in their entirety 

**Not allowed to make any misleading statement regarding the status of certification. 

**Not allowed to suggest that certification related to any activity, process, product, or another item that are not included in the scope of certification. 

**Not allowed to keep using the certificate, marks, and logo during suspension and/or after withdrawal that might rise to the suggestion that the certificate is still valid 

3. ICHCC® will take suitable action upon any breach of the condition outlined in point #2.

**Incorrect, unlawful, or misleading use or representation of the ICHCC® certificate, marks, and logos is considered a non-conformity with the certification requirements and may result in immediate suspension of the certification. 

**Failure to resolve the issues as a result of the suspension for the reasons above, ICHCC® may result in withdrawal or taking legal action and/or publication of the transgression depending on the severity of the breach.

4. ICHCC® certificants are bound by the provisions of the Candidate Attestation Agreement in conformance with clause 9.7.2. of ANAB policies.

5. All certificates issued by ICHCC® are and will remain the property of ICHCC® and shall be returned or destroyed on request.